Umr Marbec


The main objectives of the BIOMAS proposal are to acquire the necessary knowledge to build an individual-based model of Sargassum growth, to include this model into a drift model, and finally perform simulations of the integrated drift-growth model in order to forecast Sargassum morphotypes proliferation at seasonal scale. A strong synergy between laboratory experiments and modeling will allow us to build the first DEB model applied to Sargassum and apply it to morphotypes. In situ monitoring of Sargassum morphotypes in the Western and Eastern Atlantic will allow us to validate the integrated model.

Durée du projet : 36 mois (2023-2026)
Coordination Internationale : Léo BERLINE (MIO)
Zone géographique : Atlantique Ouest et Est
Financement : Appel à projets ANR Conjoint SARGASSUM
Budget global : 299 783 €
Montant pour Marbec : 96 159 €
Coordinateur Marbec : Philippe CECCHI / Christophe LETT
Partenaires :
MIO, LEMAR and MARBEC in France, UFRPE and UFPE in Brazil, CINVESTAV-Merida in Mexico, and the University Nangui Abrogoua in Ivory Coast
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