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  • Jean-François Ternon

Articles dans une revue

Nicolas Metzl, Claire Lo Monaco, Guillaume Barut, Jean-François Ternon. Contrasting trends of the ocean CO2 sink and pH in the agulhas current system and the Mozambique basin, south-western Indian ocean (1963–2023). Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography, 2025, 220, pp.105459.

Pavanee Annasawmy, Frédéric Ménard, Francis Marsac, Jean-François Ternon, Yves Cherel, et al.. Environmental variability shapes trophic and resource partitioning between epipelagic and mesopelagic biomes in oceanic provinces: Implications in a globally changing ocean. Progress in Oceanography, 2024, 229, pp.103339.

Ramilla V. Assunçao, Alex C. Silva, Amédée Roy, Bernard Bourlès, Carlos Henrique S. Silva, et al.. 3D characterisation of the thermohaline structure in the southwestern tropical Atlantic derived from functional data analysis of in situ profiles. Progress in Oceanography, 2020, 187, pp.102399.

Pavanee Annasawmy, Jean-François Ternon, Pascal Cotel, Yves Cherel, Evgeny Romanov, et al.. Does evolution design robust food webs?. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 2020, 287 (1930), pp.20200747.

Pavanee Annasawmy, Jean-François Ternon, Anne Lebourges-Dhaussy, Gildas Roudaut, Pascal Cotel, et al.. Micronekton distribution as influenced by mesoscale eddies, Madagascar shelf and shallow seamounts in the south-western Indian Ocean: an acoustic approach. Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography, 2020, 176, pp.104812.

Pavanee Annasawmy, Yves Cherel, Evgeny V. Romanov, François Le Loc’h, Frédéric Ménard, et al.. Stable isotope patterns of mesopelagic communities over two shallow seamounts of the south-western Indian Ocean. Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography, 2020, 176, pp.104804.

Margaux Noyon, Zo Rasoloarijao, Jenny Huggett, Jean-François Ternon, Michael Roberts. Comparison of mesozooplankton communities at three shallow seamounts in the South West Indian Ocean. Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography, 2020, 176, pp.104759.

Patrick Vianello, Steven Herbette, Jean-Francois Ternon, Herve Demarcq, Michael J. Roberts. Observation of a mesoscale eddy dipole on the northern Madagascar Ridge: Consequences for the circulation and hydrography in the vicinity of a seamount. Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography, 2020, 176, pp.104815.

Francis Marsac, Florence Galletti, Jean-François Ternon, Evgeny V. Romanov, Hervé Demarcq, et al.. Seamounts, plateaus and governance issues in the southwestern Indian Ocean, with emphasis on fisheries management and marine conservation, using the Walters Shoal as a case study for implementing a protection framework. Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography, 2020, 176, pp.104715.

Michael J. Roberts, Jean-Francois Ternon, Francis Marsac, Margaux Noyon, Andrew I. L. Payne. The MADRidge project: Bio-physical coupling around three shallow seamounts in the South West Indian Ocean. Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography, 2020, 176, pp.104813.

Patrick Vianello, Jean-Francois Ternon, Herve Demarcq, Steven Herbette, Michael J. Roberts. Ocean currents and gradients of surface layer properties in the vicinity of the Madagascar Ridge (including seamounts) in the South West Indian Ocean. Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography, 2020, 176, pp.104816.

Michael J. Roberts, Jean-Francois Ternon. The MADRidge project - a major contribution to IIOE2-WIOURI focussing on three shallow seamounts and their pelagic ecosystems in the vicinity of the Madagascar Ridge. Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography, 2020, 176, pp.104817.

Pavanee Annasawmy, Jean-François Ternon, Pascal Cotel, Yves Cherel, Evgeny V. Romanov, et al.. Micronekton distributions and assemblages at two shallow seamounts of the south-western Indian Ocean: Insights from acoustics and mesopelagic trawl data. Progress in Oceanography, 2019, 178,

13 article(s)

Autres publications

D.O. Obura, S.O. Bandeira, N. Bodin, V. Burgener, G. Braulik, et al.. The Northern Mozambique Channel. Sheppard, C. (ed.). World seas, an environmental evaluation. Vol. II: the Indian Ocean to the Pacific, Elsevier, p. 75-99, 2019, 978-0-08-100853-9.

1 article(s)

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