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  • François Poisson

Articles dans une revue

Eric Gilman, Milani Chaloupka, Nialangis Posanau, Marcelo Hidalgo, Sylvester Pokajam, et al.. Evidence to inform spatiotemporal management of a western Pacific Ocean tuna purse seine fishery. Ecological Applications, 2024, 34 (8), e3054 (26p.).

François Poisson, Jim Ellis, Sophy Mccully Phillips. Preliminary Insights on the Habitat Use and Vertical Movements of the Pelagic Stingray (Pteroplatytrygon violacea) in the Western Mediterranean Sea. Fishes, 2024, 9 (6), pp.238.

Francois Poisson. Consumption of Post-Larval Swordfish (Xiphias gladius) by Dolphinfish (Coryphaena hippurus): New Ecological Insights into both Species in the Tyrrhenian Sea. Fishes, 2024, 9 (2), 65 (9p.).

Francois Poisson, Herve Demarcq, Sylvain Coudray, Jens Bohn, Juan Antonio Camiñas, et al.. Movement pathways and habitat use of blue sharks (Prionace glauca) in the Western Mediterranean Sea: Distribution in relation to environmental factors, reproductive biology, and conservation issues. Fisheries Research, 2024, 270, 106900 (17p.).

Malcolm Francis, Warrick Lyon, Shelley Clarke, Brittany Finucci, Melanie Hutchinson, et al.. Post‐release survival of shortfin mako ( Isurus oxyrinchus ) and silky ( Carcharhinus falciformis ) sharks released from pelagic tuna longlines in the Pacific Ocean. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems, 2023, 33 (4), pp.366-378.

Natacha Nikolic, Floriaan Devloo-Delva, Diane Bailleul, Ekaterina Noskova, Clément Rougeux, et al.. Stepping up to genome scan allows stock differentiation in the worldwide distributed blue shark Prionace glauca. Molecular Ecology, 2023, 32 (5), pp.1000-1019.

Nuno Queiroz, Nicolas E. Humphries, Ana Couto, Marisa Vedor, Ivo Da Costa, et al.. Reply to: Shark mortality cannot be assessed by fishery overlap alone. Nature, 2021, 595 (7866), pp.E8--E16.

Alison A. Kock, Pieter Koen, Felipe Ladino, Fernanda O. Lana, James S. E. Lea, et al.. Reply to: Caution over the use of ecological big data for conservation. Nature, 2021, 595 (7866), pp.E20--E28.

François Poisson, Pierre Budan, Sylvain Coudray, Eric Gilman, Takahito Kojima, et al.. New technologies to improve bycatch mitigation in industrial tuna fisheries. Fish and Fisheries, 2021,

Eric Gilman, Milani Chaloupka, Pascal Bach, Hannah Fennell, Martin Hall, et al.. Effect of pelagic longline bait type on species selectivity: a global synthesis of evidence. Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries, 2020, 30 (3), pp.535--551.

Cecilia Mancusi, Romano Baino, Caterina Fortuna, Luis Gil de Sola, Gabriel Morey, et al.. MEDLEM database, a data collection on large Elasmobranchs in the Mediterranean and Black seas. Mediterranean Marine Science, 2020, 21 (2), pp.276-288.

Eric Gilman, Milani Chaloupka, Laurent Dagorn, Martin Hall, Alistair Hobday, et al.. Robbing Peter to pay Paul: replacing unintended cross-taxa conflicts with intentional tradeoffs by moving from piecemeal to integrated fisheries bycatch management. Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries, 2019,

Nuno Queiroz, Nicolas E. Humphries, Carlos M. Duarte, Lara L. Sousa, Samantha J. Simpson, et al.. Global spatial risk assessment of sharks under the footprint of fisheries. Nature, 2019, 572 (7770), pp.461--466.

Diane Bailleul, Alicia Mackenzie, Olivier Sacchi, Francois Poisson, Nicolas Bierne, et al.. Large-scale genetic panmixia in the blue shark (Prionace glauca): A single worldwide population, or a genetic lag-time effect of the ``grey zone'' of differentiation?. Evolutionary Applications, 2018, 11 (5), pp.614-630.

François Poisson, Francisco Abascal Crespo, Jim R. Ellis, Pierre Chavance, Bach Pascal, et al.. Technical mitigation measures for sharks and rays in fisheries for tuna and tuna-like species: turning possibility into reality. Aquatic Living Resources, 2016, 29 (4), pp.402.

15 article(s)

Autres publications

Jacques Sacchi, Catherine Cesarini, Delphine Gambaiani, Francoise Claro, Fanny Girard, et al.. France. Casale P., Hochscheid S., Kaska Y., Panagopoulou A. (Eds.). Sea Turtles in the Mediterr Region: MTSG Annual Regional Report 2020. Report of the IUCN-SSC Marine Turtle Specialist Group, 2020, , pp.115-142, 2021.

José Carlos Báez, David Macías, Salvador García-Barcelona, Francois Poisson, Estefanía Torreblanca, et al.. Marine Megafauna and Charismatic Vertebrate Species. Alboran Sea - Ecosystems and Marine Resources. 2021. José Carlos Báez, Juan-Tomás Vázquez, Juan Antonio Camiñas, Mohammed Malouli Idrissi (Eds). Print ISBN 978-3-030-65515-0 Online ISBN 978-3-030-65516-7. Chap.21, pp.707-748, 2021,

Francois Poisson, Sophie Arnaud-Haond, Luisa Metral, Blandine Brisset, Jim Ellis, et al.. How to Reduce the Impacts of the French Mediterranean Longline Fisheries on the Megafauna? Preliminary Results of the SELPAL/RéPAST Projects.. Ceccaldi HJ., Hénocque Y., Komatsu T., Prouzet P., Sautour B., Yoshida J. (eds) Evolution of Marine Coastal Ecosystems under the Pressure of Global Changes. Springer, Cham. Print ISBN 978-3-030-43483-0 Online ISBN 978-3-030-43484-7. pp 509-513, 2020,

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