Articles dans une revue2024
Paul Estoup, Vincent Gernigon, Amandine Avouac, Guillaume Blanc, Angélique Gobet. Exploring the influence of fertilization on bacterial community fluctuations in Ulva cultivation. Algal Research - Biomass, Biofuels and Bioproducts, 2024, 82, pp.103688.
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Lucie Sanchez, Amandine Avouac, Emilie Le Floc'H, Christine Félix, Christophe Leboulanger, et al.. Exploring the inhibition of targeted microalgae by a Cylindrotheca closterium non-axenic biofilm. Journal of Applied Phycology, In press.
Arthur Escalas, Amandine Avouac, Jonathan Belmaker, Thierry Bouvier, Valentin Clédassou, et al.. An invasive herbivorous fish (Siganus rivulatus) influences both benthic and planktonic microbes through defecation and nutrient excretion. Science of the Total Environment, 2022, 838 (3), pp.156207.
Arthur Escalas, Jean-Christophe Auguet, Amandine Avouac, Jonathan Belmaker, Thanos Dailianis, et al.. Shift and homogenization of gut microbiome during invasion in marine fishes. Animal Microbiome, 2022, 4 (1), pp.37.
Arthur Escalas, Jean-Christophe Auguet, Amandine Avouac, Raphael Seguin, Antoine Gradel, et al.. Ecological Specialization Within a Carnivorous Fish Family Is Supported by a Herbivorous Microbiome Shaped by a Combination of Gut Traits and Specific Diet. Frontiers in Marine Science, 2021, 8, pp.622883.
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