Umr Marbec
Conferences, Projects

Fishglob conference: Fish biodiversity facing global change


Organized on December 05, 2024 by the FRB-Cesab, at the University of Montpellier from 2:00 pm to 6:30 pm, this conference will present the activities of the Fishglob working group, […]

CONNECT-MED : listening to gilthead bream in the French Mediterranean


As part of the CONNECT-MED project, Jérôme BOURJEA (Ifremer, MARBEC) monitored specimens of gilthead sea bream to track their behavior and answer questions about their habits, movements, life cycle and […]

United Nations Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development 2021-2030: For a sustainable use of our oceans


Audrey DARNAUDE (CNRS, MARBEC) and Maria DARIAS (IRD, MARBEC) have co-authored two of the Vision 2030 White Papers published by the United Nations Ocean Decade, focusing on how to protect […]

7th International Conference on Marine Connectivity: Advancing research for improved management (I-MarCo 2024)


Organised at the Montpellier Aquarium from 27 to 31 May 2024, this 5-day event will bring together nearly 200 scientists and managers from around the world to share the latest […]

Participation of the MARBEC UMR in the TREC project - Traversing European Coastlines


As part of the TREC project designed by the EMBL - European Molecular Biology Laboratory, in collaboration with the Tara Océans consortium, the Tara Océan Foundation and over 90 scientific […]

ERC Advanced grant awarded to David MOUILLOT for his project "Can the blue economy alleviate poverty and rural exodus in East Africa?"


Professor at the University of Montpellier, member of the UMR MARBEC and senior member of the Institut Universitaire de France, David MOUILLOT has just been awarded an ERC Advanced grant […]

Release of a new Theme Section on Marine Functional Connectivity in the scientific journal MEPS


The COST Action CA19107/UN Ocean Decade project 221 Unifying approaches to Marine Connectivity for Improved Resource Management for the Seas (SEA-UNICORN) announce the official publication in the Marine Ecology Progress […]

Five new species of dragon-fish discovered in Brazil thanks to the ABRACOS project


A group of scientists from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ) has discovered new species of deep-sea fish in a joint study with scientists from the Federal Rural […]

23-28 October 2023: AfriMAQUA International Conference


This conference, organised in the framework of the United Nations Ocean Decade Program AfriMAQUA (Nutrition-sensitive marine aquaculture in Africa), aims to bring together scientists from the South and the North […]

Giulia CHELONI, a CNRS post-doctoral researcher at MARBEC UMR, is the winner of the "Jeunes Talents France 2023 Pour les Femmes et la Science" prize.


Today, 10 October 2023, the winners of the France 2023 L'Oréal-UNESCO Young Talent Award for Women in Science have been announced, Giulia CHELONI from MARBEC UMR is the winner in […]

Bastien MÉRIGOT (UM, MARBEC), winner of the 2022-2023 University of Montpellier Innovation Prize


Bastien MÉRIGOT, Associate Professor UM in MARBEC, is the winner of the 2022-2023 Innovation Prize awarded by the University of Montpellier to the Agriculture, Environment and Biodiversity (AEB) research cluster, […]

FISHGLOB: United Nations Decade of the Ocean project until 2028


FISHGLOB (Fish biodiversity facing global change), co-directed by Aurore MAUREAUD, Bastien MÉRIGOT, and Deng PALOMARES, has been a project of the United Nations Decade of the Ocean since June 2023, […]

Restitution of the Indian Ocean Mission


Francis MARSAC (IRD, MARBEC), leader of the Saya de Malha ecosystem study project, and Jérôme BOURJEA (Ifremer, MARBEC), leader of GECOS Marine Turtles, will participate to the round tables:11h30-13h00 : « L’île […]

Blue-Cloud 2026: to enhance Open Science in support of ocean protection and restoration


Au cours des dernières décennies, l'Europe a développé une impressionnante capacité d'observation de l'environnement aquatique, de traitement et de partage des données, de modélisation et de prévision, qui reposent sur […]

Monday 20/02/2023, exchange workshop between scientific organisations and fishing professionals of the Reunion Island, in the framework of the POPSIZE project


Organisé à Saint-Gilles (La Réunion) par le Comité régional des pêches maritimes et des élevages marins (CRPMEM), et la Représentation IRD à La Réunion, Mayotte et îles Éparses, Francis MARSAC […]

On 14/02/2023, screening of the film "L'Arc d'Émeraude, un rempart écologique pour Libreville" to the IRD Occitanie Regional Delegation


Christophe Leboulanger (IRD, MARBEC), a marine microorganism ecologist, was, from 2017 to 2019, co-leader of a study on the contamination of protected areas in the Emerald Arc, the Pongara and […]

SUBSILAKE project: experimental field campaign in Mayotte, 12-25 November 2022


Sur Petite Terre à Mayotte, Élodie Foucault (Ifremer), Émilie Le Floc’h et Éric Fouilland (CNRS) ont participé à la deuxième campagne d’échantillonnage et d’expérimentation dans le cadre du projet ANR […]

From 25 to 28 October, organisation by AfriMAQUA of two training workshops in marine aquaculture, in Namibia and Côte d'Ivoire


Sam Nujoma Campus of the University of Namibia in Henties Bay The workshop on integrated aquaculture will be held at the Sam Nujoma Campus of the University of Namibia in […]

International meeting in Madagascar: "Marine Plastics in the Indian Ocean"


Scheduled to take place from 17 to 19 October 2022, this international meeting is part of the ExPLOI (Indian Ocean Plastic Expedition) project. It is placed under the high patronage […]

Indian Ocean mission from 10 October to 22 November 2022


Numerous institutions, including the IRD, Ifremer and the CNRS, will be participating in the "Indian Ocean Mission" led by the Monaco Explorations. MARBEC will be involved through three projects developed […]

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