Mission leaders: Eric Fouilland, Emmanuel Rezzouk
Innovation means inventing solutions for tomorrow, for the benefit of man and his environment (University of Montpellier). It means contributing to the transfer of knowledge to society (CNRS) and changing lifestyles and economic models (IRD). This is achieved through the transfer of technologies, products, methodologies and uses to the markets, with a strong creation of economic and societal value (IFREMER) while respecting our environments.
A number of research results from the UMR Marbec are already being used. For example, the analysis of data (environmental DNA, imagery) of the deep learning type allows the development of tools for monitoring and diagnosing the seabed or the establishment of biodiversity indicators in collaboration with companies such as Andromède Océanologie or Spygen, via the establishment of joint laboratories (labcom InToSea and Diag-ADNe). The knowledge acquired by the UMR on the dynamics of coastal and deep-sea marine ecosystems makes it possible to envisage solutions for ecosystem restoration and resource conservation through the development of management and prediction tools. The work carried out on the scale of marine organisms and their interactions can be used in the field of ecological intensification in aquaculture or environmental biotechnology. The innovation potential of the MARBEC joint research unit towards new ways of exploitation also seems high (biomimicry, biologging, biocontrol) and needs to be fully stimulated and exploited.
The actions linked to the mission on innovation at MARBEC are long term and are:
- Make an inventory of the various current research projects in the UMR that are in the process of being developed or that present a strong potential for innovation.
- To raise awareness, support and encourage scientists and students to ask themselves as soon as possible the question of how to exploit their research work and its impact on the economic world in the form of the creation of Intellectual Property, partnerships, LabCom, start-ups, patents, etc.
- To promote the visibility of innovations resulting from the UMR's research activities through their dissemination outside the UMR.
- To promote interactions between public and private research in the various fields of valorisation, and in particular within the framework of the future CELIMER space on the UMR site in Sète dedicated to collaborative projects.
- Promote technology transfer to "Blue Growth" players, in particular in coordination with the referents of the UMR's platforms.