Olivier Maury
Marine ecologist, population and ecosystem modeller.
Born the 01/05/1970 in Paris (53yrs old), French nationality
Directeur de Recherche (DR1), Institut de Recherche pour le Développement (IRD), UMR 248 MARBEC
Diver level IV FFESSM
I first worked as a stock assessment expert involved in tuna RFMOs (ICCAT and IOTC). Most of my present research time is dedicated to the development of the ecosystem model APECOSM, which represents ecosystems from plankton to fish and fisheries at global and regional scales and includes climate forcing. APECOSM is used for both process studies and scenarios development, in an IPCC, IPBES and RFMO perspective, it contributes to the FishMIP Marine Ecosystem and fisheries Model Intercomparison Program since 2015.
110h teaching at the postgrad level (masters/PhDs) in France and South Africa. Courses: “spatial modelling of marine populations dynamics”, “Introduction to the Dynamic Energy Budget theory”, “Introduction to the APECOSM model”.