Catherine Aliaume
Mots clés : structure spatio-temporelle des communautés - indicateurs biologiques - pressions anthorpiques - biostatistiques
Compléments sur les publications et communications à colloques internationaux:
Lefebvre S., Galasso H., De Cubber L., Callier M., Aliaume C., Gaudron S. (2019). Homogenizing life-history traits of the semelparous polychaete Hediste diversicolor using DEB theory. DEB2019, Sixth International Symposium and Thematic school on DEB theory for metabolic organization, 1-12 April 2019, Brest, France. (communication orale)
Maire E., Aliaume C., D’agata S., Mouillot D., Darling E.S., Ramahery V., Ranaivoson R., Randriamanantsoa B., Tianarisoa T., Santisy A., Cinner J. (2019). Mieux comprendre l'influence des marchés sur les récifs du nord-ouest de Madagascar. Colloque International Vulnérabilité du Patrimoine Récifal, 10-11-12 décembre 2019, Montpellier, France. (communication orale)
Aliaume C., Darnaude A.M, Certain G., Derolez V., Ouisse V. 2019. Synthèse bibliographique sur les bioindicateurs « poissons » des eaux de transition dans le contexte DCE. Projet INPOLAG –Livrable 1. Rapport Ifremer. 31p
Derolez V., Bec B., Soudant D., Richard M., Lagarde F., Chiantella C., Bruselle H., Malet N., Aliaume C., (2018). Restoration trends of the Thau lagoon’s water ecological status and phytoplankton communities in response to changes in anthropogenic nutrient inputs. 8th European Coastal Lagoons Symposium. Athen, Greece, 20-23 March 2018 . (communication orale)
Maire E., D'Agata S., Cinner J., Ramahery V., Mouillot, D., Darling E., Velez L., Aliaume C. (2017). Drivers of household fishing and selling strategies in coral reefs of Northwest Madagascar. WIOMSA 10th Scientific Symposium 30-Oct-4-Nov 2017 Tanzanie. (communication orale)
Lopes Galasso, H., Aliaume, C., Lefebvre, S., Callier, M.D., (2017). Preliminar estimation of dynamic energy budget (DEB) parameters for the polychaete Hediste diversicolor. AE2017 - Aquaculture Europe 17 "Cooperation for growth". 17-20 October 2017, Dubrovnik, Croatia . (communication orale)
Derolez V., Bec B., Munaron D., Fiandrino A., Ouisse V., Fortuné M., Messiaen G., Pete R., Simier M., Souchu P., Laugier T., Aliaume C., Malet N. (2017) Restoration trends of the Thau lagoon’s water ecological status and phytoplankton communities in response to changes in anthropogenic nutrient inputs. Coast Bordeaux 2017 Symposium (poster)
Panfili, J., Aliaume, C., Anastasopoulou, A., Berrebi, P., Casellas, C., Chang, C.-W., … Whitfield, A. K. 2016. Grey Mullet as Possible Indicator of Coastal Environmental Changes: the MUGIL Project. In D. Crosetti & S. Blaber (Eds.), Biology, Ecology and Culture of Grey Mullets (Mugilidae) (pp. 514–521). CRC Press. doi:10.1201/b19927-22
Lopes Galasso H., Richard M., Aliaume C., Callier M.D. (2016) Effect of temperature on the respiration and excretion rates of Hediste (Nereis) diversicolor raised in a integrated multi-trophic aquaculture system, European Aquaculture 2016, 20-23 Septembre 2016, Edinburgh, UK (communication orale)
Lopes Galasso H, Bastianelli D., Aliaume C., Callier M.D. (2016) Near infra red spectroscopy (NIRS) calibration to predict organic composition in marine fish wastes, European Aquaculture 2016, 20-23 Septembre 2016, Edinburgh, UK (poster)
Mahafina J., Leopold M., Ferraris J., Aliaume C. et al. (2015) The International southern summer school vulpare: feedback on Interdisciplinary learning on the vulnerability of the reef heritage. FISHERMAN 1st Regional Conference Sustainable Fisheries in the South -Western Indian Ocean: the importance of the Education, Management and Governance. Mahajanga, Madagascar, 10-11 september 2015 (communication orale)
Lopes Galasso H., Aliaume C., Callier M. D., Geoffroy T. (2015). Integration of detritivores (the polychaete Hediste diversicolor) in RAS finfish (Dicentrarchus labrax) culture: a N, C, P mass balance approach. Aquaculture 2015, Cutting Edge Science in Aquaculture, August 23-26 2015, Montpellier, France. (communication orale)
Tournois J., Ferraton F., Isnard E., Darnaude A.M., Aliaume C., McKenzie D.J. (2013). The role of lagoons in metapopulation function of the gilthead seabream (S. aurata) in the Gulf of Lions. Annual Meeting of the Society of Experimental Biology, Valencia (Espagne). Juillet 2013 (communication orale)
Bouchoucha M., Aliaume C., Baldi Y., I. Lebel I. , Abdallah Y., Thieulle L., Sofianos A., Courrat A., Lepage M. 2012. Suivi des peuplements ichtyologiques dans les eaux de transition du bassin Rhône-Méditerranée et Corse. Convention Agence de l’Eau RM&C / Ifremer n° 2010 0584 . RST.ODE/LER-PAC/12-11 100pp. http://www.documentation.eaufrance.fr/entrepotsOAI/ AERMC/R222/31.pdf