Umr Marbec
Avatar de l’utilisateur/utilisatrice
  • Alexander TIDD

Prénom :
Nom :
E-mail :
Organisme :
Grade / Titre :
Ambitions :
Promouvoir une pêche et une aquaculture marines durables
Projets :
Disciplines :
Sciences halieutiques
Modèles biologiques :
Poissons démersaux et benthiques, Thons et poissons à rostre
Ecosystèmes :
Ecosystèmes hauturiers
Zones d'études :
Océan Indien, Océan Indien ouest, Océan Indien est, Océan Pacifique
Biographie :
Ultimately I am interested in what drives human choice and behaviour and how
this in turn affects natural resources and ecosystems people rely on. I have over 20
years' experience in fisheries research/policy within a government research
agency, inter-government agency, consultancy, and within academic
environments. My research is highly collaborative and often involves working in
large interdisciplinary teams that consist of ecologists, economists, biologists,
mathematicians, statisticians, and oceanographers. During the past decade, I have
formed many international research collaborations including leadership of large
European Commission/World bank funded consortium research projects that have
helped me advance technically, independently, and professionally by delivering
high quahigh-qualityh in a range of activities.
Enseignement :
PhD from Imperial College London: Statistical modelling of fishing fleet behaviour and fleet dynamics.
Thesis: “Spoilt for choice”; linking individual fishing behaviour with fleet dynamics.

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