Umr Marbec

On 25-26-27 January, the MESSH network is organising the "3 days MESSH 2023"

This international and interdisciplinary scientific event, dedicated to "Mathematics for bio-economy and sustainability of fiSHeries", is hosted at the Ifremer station in Sète, in the Celimer amphitheatre,


Laurent DAGORN, Director of MARBEC, Luc Doyen (CNRS), Ivar EKELAND (CEREMADE, UBC), and
Pierre CARDALIAGUET (CEREMADE) will open these 3 days.
Rashid SUMAILA, Professor of Ocean and Fisheries Economics at UBC will be present, Philippe CURY (IRD), Patrice
GUILLOTREAU (IRD), Jean-Marc FROMENTIN (Ifremer), Christophe LETT and Olivier MAURY (IRD) from the MARBEC unit, will give lectures (provisional programme
This seminar will also provide an opportunity to develop links with economists and mathematicians from the University of Paris-Dauphine who are interested in fisheries.

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