Umr Marbec

Third South Asia thematic school in Aquatic Microbial Ecology, ASIAME 3

Organised in Quy Nhon in Vietnam by Jean-Christophe AUGUET, Yvan BETTAREL,Thierry BOUVIER and Daniel VAULOT, it will take place from 19 to 29 June 2023.
The general objective of the two weeks programme is to bring together young environmentalists (students and scientists) from South Asia and South-East Asia working in the field of the microbial ecology of marine ecosystems focusing on both fundamental (biogeochemical cycles, biodiversity, environment) and applied (aquaculture, marine biotechnologies) aspects. This school mixes conferences, practical training, and data analysis. It also includes preparation of research projects and future collaborations. 

Program and applications are open at

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