Umr Marbec

The MARBEC comic strip

As part of its scientific outreach activities aimed at schoolchildren, MARBEC has commissioned Sophie Blaise—an illustrator trained at the Émile Cohl school—to produce—as part of her Master’s internship at MARBEC from June to November 2023—a comic strip presenting its research activities. While the comic strip is primarily intended for young readers, older ones will also enjoy discovering through its images the societal challenges around which MARBEC has built its scientific strategy, to preserve marine biodiversity in a context of climate change and strong anthropic pressures. Fun activity sheets based on the contents of the comic and funded by Labex CEMEB are also available.

Contact for the comic and its distribution (French version only): marbec-mediation(arobase)listes(point)ird(point)fr

Please choose an online reading format:

Double-page version suitable for desktops and some tablets

Version suitable for phones and small tablets

How to read the comic online:

On a computer, use the left and right keyboard arrows to navigate between pages. On a phone, use vertical sweeping movements; a landscape orientation of the screen might provide a better reading comfort than a portrait one.

Download the comic and the fun activity sheets (French version only)

Note: the diagram of the Antarctic food web used in game sheet 1 is an adaptation of an original diagram produced by Ocean Climate Education (OCE) under a CC BY-NC-SA licence. The MARBEC comic strip and its game sheets are also published under a CC BY-NC-SA licence.

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