After 4 years of absence, we are very pleased to announce, in the real and not the virtual world, the Sixth International Conference on Fish Telemetry, ICFT2023.
The ICFT2023 will be held at the Ifremer Station in Sète, from 11 to 16 June 2023.
Since October 28th, the conference website is open:
The conference programme is available here:
Fish telemetry calls for specific know-how on the capture method of wild animals as well as technological innovations on electronic tags. The data allows determining migratory routes, preferred habitat types, breeding or feeding sites, activity rhythms or behavioral interactions. Fish telemetry contributes to the conservation of fish species as well as to scientific advice for a better management of human activities.
This conference provides a unique opportunity for scientists from all fields to come together to discuss the latest research advances, share innovation, and promote international collaborations. Presentations may concern novel concepts and innovations in animal tracking; critical and prospective works on animal welfare and methodologies; data processing; as well as recent advances in biologging for conservation.
Special Issue in "Journal of Fish Biology": Call for Papers
Advances in telemetry approaches and technologies applied to fish ecology and management
Submission deadline: Tuesday, 31 October 2023
The 6th International Conference on Fish Telemetry is the opportunity to put together the latest advances in telemetry approaches and technologies applied to fish ecology and management. Whether your work was presented, inspired by, or just relevant to the conference, we encourage you to consider submitting your fish tracking research to this special issue.
To know more: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/page/journal/10958649/homepage/call-for-papers/si-2023-000563
- Laurent Dagorn
(laurent.dagorn@ird.fr) - Jérôme Bourjea
(Jerome.Bourjea@ifremer.fr) - Marc Soria
(marc.soria@ird.fr) - Marie-Laure Bégout
(Marie.Laure.Begout@ifremer.fr) - Fabien Forget
(fabien.forget@ird.fr) - Sylvie Pounhet