Umr Marbec

Thematic school on DNA barcoding and eDNA metabarcoding: from 12 to 16/09/2022 at the Nangui Abrogoua University in Abidjan, Côte d'Ivoire

The first thematic school of the international research Group - South WAMBA-net: West African Marine Fish DNA
Barcoding Network is organised by Béatrice Gourène (UNA, Côte d'Ivoire) and Jean-Dominique Durand (IRD, France).

Barcoding is a tool of choice in many contexts requiring the precise identification of species. These DNA barcodes have become even more interesting with the analysis of environmental DNA (eDNA) for the monitoring of marine biodiversity. This summer school aims to train students and young researchers in taxonomy and barcoding and metabarcoding (eDNA) techniques.

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Thematic school programme and trainers

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