Umr Marbec

Shark cohabitation in New Caledonia?

19 September 2023

Following a doubling in shark attacks over the last twenty years and the fatal bite on a child in 2019, which caused quite a stir, the authorities have launched culling campaigns: in 2022, 54 tiger sharks and 64 bull sharks were killed, 74 and 41 in 2023.

Johann MOURIER (UM, MARBEC), a specialist in shark behaviour, interviewed by Lucas WICKLY, a journalist on the Brut. YouTube channel, argues for a halt to the culls and a concerted effort by all stakeholders (pro and anti-culling) to find a compromise and sustainable solutions, while continuing to gather the scientific data that is crucial for adapting reasoned and effective management measures.
He validates the use of new-generation shark nets, which should limit by-catches while making bathing safer, and suggests other complementary solutions. Rather than indiscriminately slaughtering sharks without collecting data, the idea is to massively tag sharks to learn more about how often they frequent the area, while being able to alert and evacuate bathing areas using buoys that can detect the passage of tagged sharks in real time.

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