Umr Marbec

September 2022: Summer schools on marine connectivity modelling and biologging

Organised by COST Action SEA-UNICORN and MARBEC UMR, they will take place at the University of Montpellier and in the Ifremer station in Sète.

At the Ifremer station in Sète from 6 to 9 September 2022

This training workshop aims to train researchers working in other areas of marine connectivity in the basics of biologging. This cross-disciplinary knowledge transfer intends to facilitate cross-method integration and innovation.

At the University of Montpellier from 13 to 16 September 2022

This training school aims to train researchers who work in marine functional connectivity (MFC) with specific taxa and/or systems, in the construction and functioning principles of theoretical meta-populations, meta-community and meta-ecosystem models, which incorporate the particularities of the marine realm.

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