Mission leader: Maylis Labonne
The mediation mission of MARBEC UMR aims to create a link between the world of science and the rest of the society.
It responds to one of the missions of researchers, which is the valorisation of results, the dissemination of scientific knowledge and the dissemination of information and scientific and technical culture throughout the population. In particular, it aims to establish close collaboration between scientists and teachers in order to arouse the interest of young people in the marine environment and its preservation and to disseminate knowledge. Its objective is also to establish a link with the actors of the marine environment, fishermen, shellfish farmers, divers, tourism companies by offering them knowledge supports accessible to all and meetings with scientists.
Different actions have been carried out in the UMR for several years, such as the popularisation of scientific publications in the form of articles for young audiences or in the form of animated films or the creation of travelling exhibitions. Others are in the process of being developed, such as the participation of the UMR in the Marine Educational Areas in the Sète region, as well as in the various locations where the laboratory is established throughout the world. Through this scheme, the UMR scientists will be in direct contact with the children of the primary schools involved in this scheme in order to pass on to them their passion for the marine environment, their profession and scientific research in general. Each year, a day of restitution of the various mediation actions of the UMR will be organised in Sète on World Ocean Day.
Some achievements scientific publications, animated films and exhibitions for the general public :
Popularisation of scientific publications for young audiences in the form of articles for the journal Frontiers for Young Minds, for example:
Boudin E, Santos B, Carcaillet F and Kaplan D (2020) Virginia Beached Sea Turtle Survey. Front. Young Minds. 8:38. doi:10.3389/frym.2020.00038

Boudin E, Carcaillet F, Tribot A, Carabeux Q, Deter J, Claverie T, Villéger S and Mouquet N (2020) Coral Reef Fish: Not Just a Matter of Beauty! Front. Young Minds. 8:13. doi:10.3389/frym.2020.00013
Roque D’Orbcastel E, Boudin E, Li M, Carcaillet F and Fouilland E (2019) Fish, Algae, and Oysters: The Winning Trio in Aquaculture. Front. Young Minds. 7:131. doi:10.3389/frym.2019.00131

Creation of animated films based on publications or research projects by UMR staff:
Creation of a public exhibition:

Eelgrass, meadows under the sea:
What is an eelgrass? Where can we see them? What are they used for? Are they endangered? How can they be protected? These are the questions that the exhibition "Eelgrass, meadows under the sea", created by the MARBEC laboratory, tries to answer.