The MARBEC UMR will be taking part in the national "Apprentice researcher" scheme, with Sébastien VILLÉGER (CNRS) and Valentine FLEURÉ (UM) supervising a pair of trainees, 1 third-year secondary school pupil and 1 first-year secondary school pupil. For 10 Wednesdays, between 20 December and 5 June, they will introduce them to the profession of researcher, and work on the project "Measuring the biodiversity of coral fish on underwater videos: the case of Mayotte". The scientific approach, experimentation, discussion of animal experimentation where appropriate, as well as meetings with various research staff and an insight into what life is like in a laboratory are all part of the programme, giving them a unique immersive experience that they will recount at the end-of-year conference open to all in June 2024.
The scheme was set up and is coordinated nationally by L'Arbre des Connaissances. Genopolys coordinates it locally for 9 research teams (this year: iRMB, IGH, IGF, MMDN et MARBEC).
18 secondary school students were chosen by their future supervisors on the basis of letters of motivation. With @lycéeJeanMonnet, @collègeFrédéricBazille, @CollègeEridan.