Umr Marbec

"Environmental DNA and marine biodiversity in the Mediterranean" at Planet Ocean Montpellier on 08/06/2023

To mark World Ocean Day, David MOUILLOT (UM, MARBEC) will be giving a talk on Thursday 08 June from 06:00 to 08:30 pm, on environmental DNA and marine biodiversity in the Mediterranean.

In five short presentations, each followed by a discussion with the audience, specialists in environmental DNA (eDNA) from the company SpyGen will describe the discovery of eDNA. A unique initiative to map marine biodiversity in the Mediterranean thanks to eDNA and the joint efforts of several sailing partners, as well as the long-term monitoring programme of Marine Sentinel Areas scheduled for August 2023, will also be presented.

Then, in the presence of Philippe AUGÉ, President of the University of Montpellier, the Ocean Chair created by the
University Foundation will be officially launched.

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