Umr Marbec

PHYTOBS-Network workshop 18 and 19 October at Celimer


This year PHYTOBS-Network workshop will be held in Sète on 18 and 19 October, in the Celimer building.PHYTOBS-Network is a network supported by Ifremer, CNRS and the Marine Universities, which […]

Third South Asia thematic school in Aquatic Microbial Ecology, ASIAME 3


Organised in Quy Nhon in Vietnam by Jean-Christophe AUGUET, Yvan BETTAREL,Thierry BOUVIER and Daniel VAULOT, it will take place from 19 to 29 June 2023.The general objective of the two […]

On 27 and 28/10/2022, MARBEC researchers will participate in the AdNatura event


27/10/2022 Atelier "DRIVER : évaluer, améliorer et restaurer la qualité des fonds marins de Méditerranée" co-organisé par Julie Deter (UM, MARBEC), avec la participation de David Mouillot (UM, MARBEC), Sébastien Villéger […]

From 25 to 28 October, organisation by AfriMAQUA of two training workshops in marine aquaculture, in Namibia and Côte d'Ivoire


Sam Nujoma Campus of the University of Namibia in Henties Bay The workshop on integrated aquaculture will be held at the Sam Nujoma Campus of the University of Namibia in […]

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