« Frontiers in Fish Science » is a new multidisciplinary journal that focuses on the study of fish biology, ecology, and biodiversity.Created in 2023 and led by David McKenzie (CNRS, MARBEC), Frontiers […]
Audrey DARNAUDE (CNRS, MARBEC) and Maria DARIAS (IRD, MARBEC) have co-authored two of the Vision 2030 White Papers published by the United Nations Ocean Decade, focusing on how to protect […]
The COST Action CA19107/UN Ocean Decade project 221 Unifying approaches to Marine Connectivity for Improved Resource Management for the Seas (SEA-UNICORN) announce the official publication in the Marine Ecology Progress […]
In this article published in Science at the beginning of March, Tom B Letessier, researcher at the Zoological Society of London (ZSL), and his colleagues, including David Mouillot (UM), Laura […]
Directed by Arnaud BERTRAND (IRD, MARBEC) and Sabine TOSTAIN (IRD), this study illustrates the progression of ideas, people and resources towards an ecosystemic, cross-disciplinary and multidisciplinary vision associated with the […]
The MARBEC unit and their partners carried out a study in the Ebrié lagoon in Ivory Coast, revealing the impact of wastewater on aquatic ecosystems. Human and livestock sewage is […]
A group of scientists from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ) has discovered new species of deep-sea fish in a joint study with scientists from the Federal Rural […]
Overfishing is driving reef sharks toward extinction, according to new study published this week in Science: The five main shark species that live on coral reefs, grey reef, blacktip reef, […]
An international team, led by Andrew Foote (NTNU, Norvège), and including Paul TIXIER (IRD, MARBEC), has analysed the genome of representatives of a particular population of killer whale living in […]
For the first time, an international work with Bastien MÉRIGOT (UM, MARBEC) led by Jim THORSON with the NOAA Fisheries Alaska Fisheries Science Center, takes a “Robin Hood” approach to […]
Sophie Lanco Bertrand (IRD) Aménager les usages de l’espace marin pour réduire les tensions entre les activités humaines et la santé des écosystèmes marins, telle est la promesse de la […]
Understanding the globality of ecological issues and exploring solutions for the future are the objectives of Audrey BOEHLY, journalist, who interviewed Dennis MEADOWS, 50 years after the publication of his […]
Marine and freshwater fish have high basal stress hormone levels when raised under higher temperatures. A lot of people get more nervous on hot summer days. It may be a […]
On the eve of COP 15 Biodiversity, Jean-Marc FROMENTIN (Ifremer, MARBEC) gave an online press briefing on Thursday 24 November on ways to ensure a more sustainable use of marine […]
Alejandro Ariza, Mathieu Lengaigne, Olivier Maury and Arnaud Bertrand (IRD, MARBEC), and researchers from the Entropy and Lemar units, used an innovative methodology based on sonar to corroborate ecosystem simulations […]
An international research team with Nicolas Mouquet (CNRS) and David Mouillot (UM) from MARBEC has developed a new tool to quantify the vulnerability of species communities. Combined with future ecosystem […]
The report of the new IPBES assessment, co-chaired by Jean-Marc Fromentin (Ifremer MARBEC France) with Marla R. Emery (USA/Norway) and John Donaldson (South Africa), calls for sustainable management of wildlife […]
Human-induced rapid environmental changes can disrupt habitat quality in the short term. A decrease in quality of habitats associated with preference for these over other available higher quality is referred […]