Umr Marbec
Scientific publications

New journal “Frontiers in Fish Science” led by David J. McKenzie


« Frontiers in Fish Science » is a new multidisciplinary journal that focuses on the study of fish biology, ecology, and biodiversity.Created in 2023 and led by David McKenzie (CNRS, MARBEC), Frontiers […]

United Nations Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development 2021-2030: For a sustainable use of our oceans


Audrey DARNAUDE (CNRS, MARBEC) and Maria DARIAS (IRD, MARBEC) have co-authored two of the Vision 2030 White Papers published by the United Nations Ocean Decade, focusing on how to protect […]

Release of a new Theme Section on Marine Functional Connectivity in the scientific journal MEPS


The COST Action CA19107/UN Ocean Decade project 221 Unifying approaches to Marine Connectivity for Improved Resource Management for the Seas (SEA-UNICORN) announce the official publication in the Marine Ecology Progress […]

Divergent responses of pelagic and benthic fish body-size structure to remoteness and protection from humans


In this article published in Science at the beginning of March, Tom B Letessier, researcher at the Zoological Society of London (ZSL), and his colleagues, including David Mouillot (UM), Laura […]

Publication of the book "Humboldt Current - From ocean dynamics to fisheries management in Peru"


Directed by Arnaud BERTRAND (IRD, MARBEC) and Sabine TOSTAIN (IRD), this study illustrates the progression of ideas, people and resources towards an ecosystemic, cross-disciplinary and multidisciplinary vision associated with the […]

Research in the South : Impact of wastewater on aquatic ecosystems in Ivory Coast, and oceanographic determinants of the vertical structure of pelagic organisms in Brazil


The MARBEC unit and their partners carried out a study in the Ebrié lagoon in Ivory Coast, revealing the impact of wastewater on aquatic ecosystems. Human and livestock sewage is […]

Five new species of dragon-fish discovered in Brazil thanks to the ABRACOS project


A group of scientists from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ) has discovered new species of deep-sea fish in a joint study with scientists from the Federal Rural […]

Protected areas and fisheries management: keys to the survival of endangered reef sharks


Overfishing is driving reef sharks toward extinction, according to new study published this week in Science: The five main shark species that live on coral reefs, grey reef, blacktip reef, […]

Type D genomes show among the highest level of inbreeding reported for any mammalian species


An international team, led by Andrew Foote (NTNU, Norvège), and including Paul TIXIER (IRD, MARBEC), has analysed the genome of representatives of a particular population of killer whale living in […]

A “Robin Hood” approach to predict traits for all fish worldwide


For the first time, an international work with Bastien MÉRIGOT (UM, MARBEC) led by Jim THORSON with the NOAA Fisheries Alaska Fisheries Science Center, takes a “Robin Hood” approach to […]

Latest publications by MARBEC researchers


Sophie Lanco Bertrand (IRD) Aménager les usages de l’espace marin pour réduire les tensions entre les activités humaines et la santé des écosystèmes marins, telle est la promesse de la […]

First survey on global limits: twelve interviews with experts


Understanding the globality of ecological issues and exploring solutions for the future are the objectives of Audrey BOEHLY, journalist, who interviewed Dennis MEADOWS, 50 years after the publication of his […]

Do you get stressed out about the heat? So do the fish


Marine and freshwater fish have high basal stress hormone levels when raised under higher temperatures. A lot of people get more nervous on hot summer days.  It may be a […]

COP15: How to support sustainable use of marine wildlife?


On the eve of COP 15 Biodiversity, Jean-Marc FROMENTIN (Ifremer, MARBEC) gave an online press briefing on Thursday 24 November on ways to ensure a more sustainable use of marine […]

Global decline of pelagic fauna in a warmer ocean validated by sonars


Alejandro Ariza, Mathieu Lengaigne, Olivier Maury and Arnaud Bertrand (IRD, MARBEC), and researchers from the Entropy and Lemar units, used an innovative methodology based on sonar to corroborate ecosystem simulations […]

A new tool to quantify biodiversity vulnerability


An international research team with Nicolas Mouquet (CNRS) and David Mouillot (UM) from MARBEC has developed a new tool to quantify the vulnerability of species communities. Combined with future ecosystem […]

IPBES report: "50,000 wild species meet needs of billions worldwide"


The report of the new IPBES assessment, co-chaired by Jean-Marc Fromentin (Ifremer MARBEC France) with Marla R. Emery (USA/Norway) and John Donaldson (South Africa), calls for sustainable management of wildlife […]

Ecological trap for seabirds due to the contamination caused by the Fundão dam collapse, Brazil


Human-induced rapid environmental changes can disrupt habitat quality in the short term. A decrease in quality of habitats associated with preference for these over other available higher quality is referred […]

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