Umr Marbec

MARBEC in the media


Press review of the latest articles

MARBEC in the news in september


France Culture :avec le changementclimatique, lespoissonsrapetissent France CultureRéchauffement de la Méditerranée : des effets en cascade

Press review


MARBEC in the media Réchauffement climatique : face à la mortalité massive des gorgones, des scientifiques font appel à des plongeurs loisirs et à l’IA : le projet DEEP-AI Interview deQuentin […]

Shark cohabitation in New Caledonia?


Following a doubling in shark attacks over the last twenty years and the fatal bite on a child in 2019, which caused quite a stir, the authorities have launched culling […]

COP15: How to support sustainable use of marine wildlife?


On the eve of COP 15 Biodiversity, Jean-Marc FROMENTIN (Ifremer, MARBEC) gave an online press briefing on Thursday 24 November on ways to ensure a more sustainable use of marine […]

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