Umr Marbec

7th International Conference on Marine Connectivity: Advancing research for improved management (I-MarCo 2024)

Organised at the Montpellier Aquarium from 27 to 31 May 2024, this 5-day event will bring together nearly 200 scientists and managers from around the world to share the latest advances in the study of marine connectivity (methods and knowledge), and its use in public and international policies for the sustainable management of the Ocean and its resources.

This event will mark the conclusion of 4 years of interdisciplinary work undertaken as part of the vast SEA-UNICORN international consortium, which brings together 350 researchers and managers in over 40 countries.
The 3-day conference at I-MarCo 2024 will provide an opportunity to take stock of the progress and future of CFM research, and to discuss its applications to ecosystem and resource management. Round tables and applied workshops will also be held to promote the integration of knowledge on marine connectivity into decision-making tools for environmental management and policies. This will help to define appropriate conservation measures for spatial planning and governance, including in the South.

Local organising committee:

Audrey Darnaude (MARBEC/CNRS, Montpellier - France)
Maylis Labonne (MARBEC/IRD, Montpellier - France)
Céline Reisser (MARBEC/Ifremer, Montpellier - France) 
Fabien Leprieur (MARBEC/IRD, Montpellier - France)
Rutger De Wit (MARBEC/CNRS, Montpellier - France) 
Rossella Catalano (MARBEC/CNRS, Montpellier - France) 
Sandrine Devouassoud-Peired (MARBEC/CNRS, Montpellier - France) 
Sophie Arnaud-Haond (MARBEC/Ifremer, Sète - France)
Florence Galletti (MARBEC/IRD, Sète - France)
Sylvie Pounhet (MARBEC/IRD, Sète - France)

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