Umr Marbec


The objectives of the SargAlert proposal are, first, to greatly enhance the performances of the detection, monitoring, and prediction of Sargassum strandings from satellite observations and second, to release operational alert bulletins of Sargassum strandings dedicated to end-users

Modeling and forecasting Sargassum strandings in the tropical Atlantic Ocean is essential for designing effective integrated risk management strategies in link with environmental, economic, health, regulatory and decision-making policies. The objectives of the SargAlert proposal are, first, to greatly enhance the performances of the detection, monitoring, and prediction of Sargassum strandings from satellite observations and second, to release operational alert bulletins of Sargassum strandings dedicated to end-users. For those purposes, methodologies based on modeling approaches (radiative transfer, ocean dynamics, artificial intelligence), in-situ measurements and remote sensing data analysis are proposed. A full data processing chain starting from satellite observations up to stranding modelling forecasts will be built.

Project duration : 36 mois (2023-2026)
International coordination : Audrey MINGHELLI, Université de Toulon
Geographical area : Atlantique Nord (tropical)
Funding : Appel à projets ANR Conjoint SARGASSUM
Global budget : 299 676 €
Amount for Marbec : 19 775 €
Marbec coordinator : Christophe LETT
Partners :
Projet franco-brésilien, la FACEPE (A Fundação de Amparo à Ciência e Tecnologia do Estado de Pernambuco - Fondation d’Appui à la recherche du Pernambouc)
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